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by Phineas Freak
Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:21 am
Forum: Liberty BASIC Language
Topic: SetSystemTimeAdjustment privileges
Replies: 2
Views: 9290

Re: SetSystemTimeAdjustment privileges

Heh, so much for claiming that i "followed the standard steps that Microsoft recommends for that kind of operation"... :oops:

You are correct, setting the proper LUID members fixed all these weird errors. Now the code runs just fine in all systems!

Thank you very much for your time!
by Phineas Freak
Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:24 am
Forum: Liberty BASIC Language
Topic: SetSystemTimeAdjustment privileges
Replies: 2
Views: 9290

SetSystemTimeAdjustment privileges

So, i have the following demo code for fine adjustments of the local clock: struct TOKENPRIVILEGES, _ PrivilegeCount as ulong, _ Luid as long, _ Attributes as ulong hWndProc = GetCurrentProcess() if (hWndProc <> 0) then hWndToken = OpenProcessToken(hWndProc, _TOKEN_QUERY or _TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES)...