Thank you for your response. It sounds as though I won't have any problems in respect of space in the textbox, so I'll carry on until a problem arises.
Under this series of posts we discussed the position of Stylebits relative to an associated textbox; whether it should come before or after the textbox. At the time I tried out alternative positions, but it didn't seem to matter. You said that logically it should come after the textbox (and I agree with this) but the LB documentation appears to show it coming before the textbox.
I thought the code I had produced for the Address Book was a bit clumsy, so I thought I would try to write it specifically for LBB and lo and behold, the position of Stylebits is important and MUST come after the related textbox otherwise it relates to the texbox preceding it. This can be seen in the code below. If it is positioned after the Notes textbox it correctly refers to the Notes texbox and shows scrollbars. If it is positioned before the Notes textbox, it appears to refer to the preceding E-Mail 2 textbox and puts scrollbars in it and not in the Notes textbox.
Another little quirk in LB!
Under this series of posts we discussed the position of Stylebits relative to an associated textbox; whether it should come before or after the textbox. At the time I tried out alternative positions, but it didn't seem to matter. You said that logically it should come after the textbox (and I agree with this) but the LB documentation appears to show it coming before the textbox.
I thought the code I had produced for the Address Book was a bit clumsy, so I thought I would try to write it specifically for LBB and lo and behold, the position of Stylebits is important and MUST come after the related textbox otherwise it relates to the texbox preceding it. This can be seen in the code below. If it is positioned after the Notes textbox it correctly refers to the Notes texbox and shows scrollbars. If it is positioned before the Notes textbox, it appears to refer to the preceding E-Mail 2 textbox and puts scrollbars in it and not in the Notes textbox.
Another little quirk in LB!
Code: Select all
WindowWidth = 830
WindowHeight = 610
UpperLeftX = 20
UpperLeftY = 20
'Set up the Textboxes
' NOTE that Stylebits must follow the Textbox statements!
TextboxColor$ = "white"
print: print
hPos = 150: bWidth = 300: bHt = 20: Row = 10
bWidth2 = 130: bWidth3 = 110
For i = 1 to Row
Select Case i
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*i, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(i) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
case 10
' If you remove the Remarks quote on the Stylebits statement below and remark out the Stylebits statement
' after the textbox, you will see the scrollbars are placed in the E-Mail 2 textbox instead of the Notes textbox.
TextBox #main.tb, 500, 50, 300, 480
maphandle #main.tb, TB$(i)
end select
' Labels
statictext #main, " Name/Company:", 20, 22, 110, 20
statictext #main, "Tel:", 20, 42, 45, 20
statictext #main, "Mob:", 20, 62, 35, 20
statictext #main, "Address:", 20, 82, 100, 20
statictext #main, "City:", 20, 102, 45, 20
statictext #main, "County:", 20, 122, 100, 20
statictext #main, "Zip:", 20, 142, 20, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 1:", 20, 162, 60, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 2:", 20, 182, 60, 20
statictext #main, " Notes: No commas or Return key", 500, 25, 300, 20
statictext #main, " Contacts:", 20, 235, 100, 15
statictext #main.totRecs, " ", 30, 265, 30, 20
' buttons
button #main.btnSave, "Save", [btnSaveClicked], UL, 375, 480, 75, 25
button #main.btnExit, "Exit", [btnExitClicked], UL, 375, 510, 75, 25
button #main.btnClear,"Clear",[btnClearClicked], UL, 375, 450, 75, 25
button #main.btnEdit, "Edit Help", [btnEditHelpClicked], UL, 210, 540, 80, 22
button #main.btnHelp, "?", [btnHelpClicked], UR, 15, 4, 18, 18
button #main.btnSaveEdit, "Save Edit",[btnSaveEdit] ,UL, 295, 540, 60, 22
button #main.btnDelete,"Delete",[btnDeleteClicked], UL, 150, 540, 55, 22
stylebits #main.lbx, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
listbox #main.lbx, address$(, [displayContactInfo], 150, 230, 205, 300
statictext #main.helpme, "", 350, 2, 40, 15
open "Address Cardfile" for window_nf as #main
#main, "trapclose [btnExitClicked]"
#main, "font ms_sans_serif 11"
Confirm "Close Address Cardfile?"; ans$
if ans$= "no" then WAIT
open "contactme.bak" for output as #copy
close #original
timer 500, [null]
timer 0
'shut down
close #main
Because of your FOR loop, you effectively have code like this:
Code: Select all
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*i, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TextBox #main.tb, 500, 50, 300, 480
i hear what you are saying, but I didn't just put the statements in a FOR..NEXT loop, I put the statements in a SELECT CASE within the FOR..NEXT loop. The Stylebits and textbox statements come under CASE 10 and I would expect that in evaluating CASE 10 all other CASE statements would be ignored, but clearly it is not. Likewise, when evaluating CASE 1 to 9, I would expect that CASE 10 was ignored.
i hear what you are saying, but I didn't just put the statements in a FOR..NEXT loop, I put the statements in a SELECT CASE within the FOR..NEXT loop. The Stylebits and textbox statements come under CASE 10 and I would expect that in evaluating CASE 10 all other CASE statements would be ignored, but clearly it is not. Likewise, when evaluating CASE 1 to 9, I would expect that CASE 10 was ignored.
You are still not seeing it. Unroll the loop so that there is neither a nor a select statement. What you are left with is the code that LB/LBB actually executes when you run your program. To save you the trouble, here is your program with the loop unrolled:
Code: Select all
WindowWidth = 830
WindowHeight = 610
UpperLeftX = 20
UpperLeftY = 20
'Set up the Textboxes
' NOTE that Stylebits must follow the Textbox statements!
TextboxColor$ = "white"
print: print
hPos = 150: bWidth = 300: bHt = 20: Row = 10
bWidth2 = 130: bWidth3 = 110
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*1, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(1) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*2, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(2) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*3, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(3) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*4, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(4) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*5, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(5) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*6, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(6) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*7, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(7) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*8, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(8) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*9, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(9) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
TextBox #main.tb, 500, 50, 300, 480
maphandle #main.tb, TB$(10)
' Labels
statictext #main, " Name/Company:", 20, 22, 110, 20
statictext #main, "Tel:", 20, 42, 45, 20
statictext #main, "Mob:", 20, 62, 35, 20
statictext #main, "Address:", 20, 82, 100, 20
statictext #main, "City:", 20, 102, 45, 20
statictext #main, "County:", 20, 122, 100, 20
statictext #main, "Zip:", 20, 142, 20, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 1:", 20, 162, 60, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 2:", 20, 182, 60, 20
statictext #main, " Notes: No commas or Return key", 500, 25, 300, 20
statictext #main, " Contacts:", 20, 235, 100, 15
statictext #main.totRecs, " ", 30, 265, 30, 20
' buttons
button #main.btnSave, "Save", [btnSaveClicked], UL, 375, 480, 75, 25
button #main.btnExit, "Exit", [btnExitClicked], UL, 375, 510, 75, 25
button #main.btnClear,"Clear",[btnClearClicked], UL, 375, 450, 75, 25
button #main.btnEdit, "Edit Help", [btnEditHelpClicked], UL, 210, 540, 80, 22
button #main.btnHelp, "?", [btnHelpClicked], UR, 15, 4, 18, 18
button #main.btnSaveEdit, "Save Edit",[btnSaveEdit] ,UL, 295, 540, 60, 22
button #main.btnDelete,"Delete",[btnDeleteClicked], UL, 150, 540, 55, 22
stylebits #main.lbx, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
listbox #main.lbx, address$(, [displayContactInfo], 150, 230, 205, 300
statictext #main.helpme, "", 350, 2, 40, 15
open "Address Cardfile" for window_nf as #main
#main, "trapclose [btnExitClicked]"
#main, "font ms_sans_serif 11"
Confirm "Close Address Cardfile?"; ans$
if ans$= "no" then WAIT
open "contactme.bak" for output as #copy
close #original
timer 500, [null]
timer 0
'shut down
close #main
Or maybe if I moved maphandle out of the Select Case section and dropped it down the code to just above next and then had the Stylebits before the textbox and it works as I expected it to. However, I still think that logically you should produce the textbox before deciding what format it should take.
Code: Select all
WindowWidth = 830
WindowHeight = 610
UpperLeftX = 20
UpperLeftY = 20
'Set up the Textboxes
' NOTE that Stylebits must follow the Textbox statements!
TextboxColor$ = "white"
print: print
hPos = 150: bWidth = 300: bHt = 20: Row = 10
bWidth2 = 130: bWidth3 = 110
For i = 1 to Row
Select Case i
case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
TextBox #main.tb, hPos, (bHt)*i, bWidth+1, bHt+1
Stylebits #main.tb, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
TB$(i) = "#main.tb"; "_r";i
case 10
' Now the position of Stylebits doesn't matter
TextBox #main.tb, 500, 50, 300, 480
'maphandle #main.tb, TB$(i) ' I think this statement is in the wrong location.
end select
maphandle #main.tb, TB$(i) ' maphandle moved here
' Labels
statictext #main, " Name/Company:", 20, 22, 110, 20
statictext #main, "Tel:", 20, 42, 45, 20
statictext #main, "Mob:", 20, 62, 35, 20
statictext #main, "Address:", 20, 82, 100, 20
statictext #main, "City:", 20, 102, 45, 20
statictext #main, "County:", 20, 122, 100, 20
statictext #main, "Zip:", 20, 142, 20, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 1:", 20, 162, 60, 20
statictext #main, " E-Mail 2:", 20, 182, 60, 20
statictext #main, " Notes: No commas or Return key", 500, 25, 300, 20
statictext #main, " Contacts:", 20, 235, 100, 15
statictext #main.totRecs, " ", 30, 265, 30, 20
' buttons
button #main.btnSave, "Save", [btnSaveClicked], UL, 375, 480, 75, 25
button #main.btnExit, "Exit", [btnExitClicked], UL, 375, 510, 75, 25
button #main.btnClear,"Clear",[btnClearClicked], UL, 375, 450, 75, 25
button #main.btnEdit, "Edit Help", [btnEditHelpClicked], UL, 210, 540, 80, 22
button #main.btnHelp, "?", [btnHelpClicked], UR, 15, 4, 18, 18
button #main.btnSaveEdit, "Save Edit",[btnSaveEdit] ,UL, 295, 540, 60, 22
button #main.btnDelete,"Delete",[btnDeleteClicked], UL, 150, 540, 55, 22
stylebits #main.lbx, _ES_LEFT, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
listbox #main.lbx, address$(, [displayContactInfo], 150, 230, 205, 300
statictext #main.helpme, "", 350, 2, 40, 15
open "Address Cardfile" for window_nf as #main
#main, "trapclose [btnExitClicked]"
#main, "font ms_sans_serif 11"
Confirm "Close Address Cardfile?"; ans$
if ans$= "no" then WAIT
open "contactme.bak" for output as #copy
close #original
timer 500, [null]
timer 0
'shut down
close #main
You should have done that from the start, I'm surprised that it ever worked the way you had it.
I don't consider one to be more "logical" than the other, they are both perfectly reasonable approaches. However I would have preferred LB to accept only one of them; I don't really care which, but accepting either is what can result in an ambiguity.I still think that logically you should produce the textbox before deciding what format it should take.
At the Windows API level it is all one operation anyway: you create the control and specify its style (and several other parameters) at the same time; ideally LB would have done that too but I'm pretty sure that the Textbox statement came first and Stylebits was a later addition, hence the rather awkward syntax.
In BBC BASIC (both BBC BASIC for Windows and BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0) you do specify the style when the control is created.
Hi Richard
It's my poor coding. It was under my nose and I couldn't see it!
As you say, BBC Basic and most other languages I know have a flag at the end of the textbox statement, which is why I think it is more logical; draw the control and then decide what you want to do with it.
As you say Stylebits was probably an afterthought.
I've decided that with my coding, Stylebits will follow the control. It gives a more universal feel.
Anyway, Happy New Year and keep safe.
It's my poor coding. It was under my nose and I couldn't see it!
As you say, BBC Basic and most other languages I know have a flag at the end of the textbox statement, which is why I think it is more logical; draw the control and then decide what you want to do with it.
As you say Stylebits was probably an afterthought.
I've decided that with my coding, Stylebits will follow the control. It gives a more universal feel.
Anyway, Happy New Year and keep safe.