LB window not closing on program exit

Discussions related to the LBB compiler and run-time engine
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LB window not closing on program exit

Post by flotul »

Hi Richard,

I often use ConTEXT to edit my programs.

Since I'm willing to stay compatible LB/LBB, I alternatively test my programs with both of them.


Unfortunately, when trying with LBB, I can not get the temp file window closed when exiting while using LB, both, program and LB windows will close flawless. With LBB, I have to close both windows separately.

I thought the command line parameter -A would do the trick, but no, it doesn't.

This is my key config for LBB in ConTEXT:

I my assumption about the -A parameter incorrect?
Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:06 am

Re: LB window not closing on program exit

Post by flotul »

Okay, if I first close the temp window, everything closes in one click....
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Re: LB window not closing on program exit

Post by guest »

flotul wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 9:21 am Is my assumption about the -A parameter incorrect?
LB Booster (LBB.exe) and your 'compiled' BASIC program run in entirely separate Windows processes. This is valuable, because it means that however badly your BASIC program might crash, it cannot bring down the LBB process with it (with the loss of unsaved edits).

The -A switch terminates the LBB.exe process, but it has no effect at all on the process running your BASIC program. I presume this explains the behavior you are observing.

Perhaps the -A switch should invoke the Kill BASIC Programs? prompt, which you get when you close LBB manually. But it doesn't, and I don't think anybody has previously suggested that it should.