Code: Select all
PrivilegeCount as ulong, _
Luid as long, _
Attributes as ulong
hWndProc = GetCurrentProcess()
if (hWndProc <> 0) then
hWndToken = OpenProcessToken(hWndProc, _TOKEN_QUERY or _TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES)
if (hWndToken <> 0) then
lpLuid = LookupPrivilegeValue("", "SeSystemtimePrivilege")
if (lpLuid <> 0) then
TOKENPRIVILEGES.PrivilegeCount.struct = 1
TOKENPRIVILEGES.Luid.struct = lpLuid
bSetPrivileges = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hWndToken, 0)
if (bSetPrivileges = 1) then
bSetTimeAdjust = SetSystemTimeAdjustment(156001, 1)
if (bSetTimeAdjust = 1) then
print "Time adjustment successful!"
nErrMsg = GetLastError()
szErrMsg$ = FormatMessage$(_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, _NULL, nErrMsg, _NULL, 256, _NULL)
print "Error " + str$(nErrMsg) + ": " + szErrMsg$
end if
print "Error: privileges are not valid for this operation!"
end if
TOKENPRIVILEGES.Attributes.struct = _NULL
bSetPrivileges = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hWndToken, 0)
print "Error: the lookup of the privilege value could not be completed!"
end if
print "Error: the token handle could not be retrieved!"
end if
null = CloseHandle(hWndToken)
print "Error: no current process handle found!"
end if
' ====================================================================================================
' Function AdjustTokenPrivileges()
' Enables or disables privileges in the specified access token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an
' access token requires TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES access.
' ====================================================================================================
function AdjustTokenPrivileges(TokenHandle, DisableAllPrivileges)
BufferLength = len(TOKENPRIVILEGES.struct)
calldll #advapi32, "AdjustTokenPrivileges", _
TokenHandle as handle, _
DisableAllPrivileges as boolean, _
BufferLength as ulong, _
_NULL as ulong, _
_NULL as ulong, _
AdjustTokenPrivileges as boolean
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function CloseHandle()
' Closes an open object handle.
' ====================================================================================================
function CloseHandle(hWnd)
calldll #kernel32, "CloseHandle", _
hWnd as handle, _
CloseHandle as boolean
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function FormatMessage()
' Formats a message string. The function requires a message definition as input. The message
' definition can come from a buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table
' resource in an already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's
' message table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition
' in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. The function
' copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded insert sequences
' if requested.
' ====================================================================================================
function FormatMessage$(dwFlags, lpSource, dwMessageId, dwLanguageId, nSize, Arguments)
lpBuffer$ = space$(nSize)
calldll #kernel32, "FormatMessageA", _
dwFlags as ulong, _
lpSource as long, _
dwMessageId as ulong, _
dwLanguageId as ulong, _
lpBuffer$ as ptr, _
nSize as ulong, _
Arguments as long, _
FormatMessage as ulong
if (FormatMessage > 0) then FormatMessage$ = trim$(lpBuffer$)
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function GetCurrentProcess()
' Retrieves a pseudo handle for the current process.
' ====================================================================================================
function GetCurrentProcess()
calldll #kernel32, "GetCurrentProcess", _
GetCurrentProcess as handle
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function GetLastError()
' Retrieves the calling thread's last-error code value. The last-error code is maintained on a
' per-thread basis. Multiple threads do not overwrite each other's last-error code.
' ====================================================================================================
function GetLastError()
calldll #kernel32, "GetLastError", _
GetLastError as ulong
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function LookupPrivilegeValue()
' Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the
' specified privilege name.
' ====================================================================================================
function LookupPrivilegeValue(lpSystemName$, lpName$)
lpLuid as long
lpSystemName$ = lpSystemName$ + chr$(0)
lpName$ = lpName$ + chr$(0)
calldll #advapi32, "LookupPrivilegeValueA", _
lpSystemName$ as ptr, _
lpName$ as ptr, _
LookupPrivilegeValue as boolean
if (LookupPrivilegeValue = 1) then LookupPrivilegeValue = PRIVILEGELPLUID.lpLuid.struct
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function OpenProcessToken()
' Opens the access token associated with a process.
' ====================================================================================================
function OpenProcessToken(ProcessHandle, DesiredAccess)
TokenHandle as handle
calldll #advapi32, "OpenProcessToken", _
ProcessHandle as handle, _
DesiredAccess as ulong, _
TOKENHANDLE as struct, _
OpenProcessToken as boolean
if (OpenProcessToken = 1) then OpenProcessToken = TOKENHANDLE.TokenHandle.struct
end function
' ====================================================================================================
' Function SetSystemTimeAdjustment()
' Enables or disables periodic time adjustments to the system's time-of-day clock. When enabled, such
' time adjustments can be used to synchronize the time of day with some other source of time
' information.
' ====================================================================================================
function SetSystemTimeAdjustment(dwTimeAdjustment, bTimeAdjustmentDisabled)
calldll #kernel32, "SetSystemTimeAdjustment", _
dwTimeAdjustment as ulong, _
bTimeAdjustmentDisabled as boolean, _
SetSystemTimeAdjustment as boolean
end function
The quirk: i tested various things (checking the code itself, the LBB executable user rights, running the code in different computer systems) but i always got back the same error code. For some reason in one of the tests i added some random comments after the SetSystemTimeAdjustment call (just below the "Time Adjustment Successful" print call). Running the same exact code with just some additional REMs resulted in a "Time Adjustment Successful" message. Further testing revealed that different computer systems required different comment lengths (!?!?!).
TL;DR: How the hell simple comments after the critical system calls affect their proper execution? Or am i missing something really simple and the fact that the snippet works is because of sheer luck?