There is difference in LB and LBB. LB doesen't cache data, while LBB does.
That made LBB read cached data on every update instead of fresh data from server.
By Richard's advice, I had to add "cache-controll: max-age=30" to my arduino response header to make cached data obsolete before next reading from server.
Later I found that it is posible to use httpget$() without cache.
My solution was to copy httpget$() function from lb45func.bas to my program and change:
Code: Select all
calldll #net, "InternetOpenUrlA", hnet as ulong, url$ as ptr, _
"" as ptr, 0 as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, hurl as ulong
Code: Select all
calldll #net, "InternetOpenUrlA", hnet as ulong, url$ as ptr, _
"INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE" as ptr, 0 as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, hurl as ulong